First and foremost, you must know that acne is one of the most common skin conditions. So, you are not the only one trying to get rid of it. Removing acne or acne scars can be very frustrating. And if you are not careful enough, you may cause more damage to your skin if you use the wrong approach. That is why this article on how to remove acne is a must-read for you.

You’ll find causes, symptoms, remedies and also some acne removal products. If you want to fight that skin enemy, you must know all about it first.

What causes acne?

There are four leading causes of acne, which includes, excess oil production, bacteria, clogged hair follicles and excess activity of androgens. Acne appears on your face, forehead, upper back and chest. These areas of your skin have the most sebaceous glands, and hair follicles are connected to this oil gland.

When your skin secrets too much oil and it blocks your pores, bacteria begins to grow. And then it turns brown when exposed to air. This is what we call blackhead. Also, the excess activity of androgen, a hormone that increases during puberty, cause the oil gland to enlarge.

Meanwhile, men mostly have acne on the face and back. These acne breakouts on the back more often when the weather is hot. You sweat a lot during this period, and this makes acne worse. Also, shaving bumps may look like acne sometimes, but their major cause is ingrown hair or shaving mistakes.

There are myths that food, dirt and stress might cause acne. Well, they are just myths and not facts. Junk foods are indeed not good for your overall health but don’t play a significant role in acne. Also, blackheads are not dirt, but oil and stress don’t play a direct role in acne or pimples. But your age, hormonal changes, family history, pressure on the skin and oily substance on the skin are risk factors of acne. It’s common among teenagers, and if you have a father with acne, you are likely to have it too. Oily lotions and cream or chemical substances also cause acne. Lastly, friction from cellphones, tight collars and the likes are also risk factors.

When you see whiteheads, blackheads, small red bumps or pimples, you have common acne. But don’t be too bothered about how to remove acne because this article is going to give you solutions. Read on.

How to remove acne

Now, that you are familiar with the causes, we can head to how to get them out of your face for good. This is pretty simple. Firstly, you must bear these simple tips as we embark on this acne combat journey.

  • You have to take care of your skin. Although acne is not caused by dirt, a good skin routine helps to keep treatments on track. Luckily you don’t need some heavy skincare knowledge or plenty of products. A basic skin care routine will help you care for your skin effectively. Simply cleanse and moisturise morning and night every day. That’s enough for a man.


  • Another thing is to shave carefully. Try as much as possible to avoid shaving off the top of pimples. Use an electric razor if your skin gets irritated by blade razor. And use a beard trimmer if shaving irritates your skin.


  • Deal with acne patiently and don’t let it drag you down. Removing acne is not easy don’t be in haste to get it out. It can take three to four months before you see any difference. So don’t get depressed or angry if it doesn’t come off during the initial weeks. Wait and be patient.


Let’s hit deeper into remedies for acne. You can go for home remedies or seek some acne-removal products like the ones we will recommend.  The choice is yours but don’t hesitate to see a dermatologist.

Home Remedies for Acne

1.      Apple Cider Vinegar

This fermenting apple cider is also known for killing many type bacteria and viruses. It also has some organic acids that help to combat acne. One of these acids is the succinic acid which is known for suppressing inflammation to prevent scars. Apple cider dries up excess oil on the face.



  • First, mix one part of apple cider vinegar in three parts of water. If you have sensitive skin, consider adding more water.
  • Next, do your face cleansing then, apply the mixture on your skin with a cotton ball.
  • Leave it on your face for 5-20 seconds then rinse with water and pat dry. You should do this once or twice daily.
  • Applying cider vinegar can be harsh on your skin, so make sure it is well diluted before putting it on your skin.


2.      Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Honey and cinnamon are a powerful antioxidant which makes them very useful for acne removal. They reduce inflammation and fight bacteria which are the main causes of acne.  Thereby making it advisable for acne-prone skin.



  • Simply mix one teaspoon of cinnamon with two teaspoons of honey together.
  • Then, apply the paste evenly on your face after cleansing.
  • Leave the paste on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off and pat dry.


3.      Aloe Vera

The gel from this tropical plant is commonly added to lotions, ointments, creams and soaps. It treats skin burns, rashes and the likes. However, we still need more scientific evidence to prove that aloe vera is anti-acne. But, it contains salicylic acid and sulfur, which are for acne treatment.



  • If have aloe vera plant in your garden, just cut out some of it and scrape the gel with a spoon. But, if you don’t have any, you can go to the store to get aloe vera gel. You must make sure it is pure aloe vera, and there are no added ingredients.
  • Apply the gel on your face after cleansing
  • Do this once or twice daily.


4.      Homemade scrub

This simple exfoliant can be added to your skincare routine weekly. Exfoliation helps you remove the dead skin cells on your skin. It also allows you clear clogged pores, and this makes other acne treatments sink deeper into the skin easily. Prepare a scrub at home with sugar and coconut oil to exfoliate.


How to make a homemade scrub

  • Mix a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of coconut oil. You can double the size depending on how much you need. But, make sure you have an equal amount of oil and sugar.
  • Scrub your face gently and slowly with the mixture and rinse. Don’t go too hard, so you don’t irritate the skin.
  • Exfoliate twice or thrice a week.

Some Products Fit for Removing Acne

1.    Rugged & Dapper Detox and Acne Face Mask

This product deeply cleans your pores to reduce oil, acne and toxins. It is parabens-free, sulfates-free and fragrance- free. This face mask contains some natural ingredients to keep your skin fresh. They include kaolin clay, aloe vera, sea kelp, green seed oil and spirulina. These are tightly packed antioxidants for the benefit of your skin. This product is suitable for dry skin, oily skin, combo and normal skin.

2.    Kyoku For Men Lava Masque Acne Treatment

This is a facial cleanser used to treat acne on men’s skin. It has 73 essential sea minerals and Japanese volcanic mud complex that draws out excess oil and toxins from the skin.  This lava masque reduces oiliness and clears out bacteria right from its roots. It is solely formulated to target the cause of male acne from the roots.

3.    Mordn Man Acne Treatment Kit for Men

This is a premium 2-in-1 treatment kit for men with acne. It has a salicylic acid men’s face wash and shaving cream. And also an oil control men’s face moisturiser with sunscreen. All ingredients in this treatment kit are natural and carefully selected to be suitable for all skin types. If you are set to remove blemish, bacteria causing acne, and excess oil, this could be your best choice.

4.      TreeActiv Acne Eliminating Face Cleanser

Here is another potent product for removing Cystic Acne. It is a combination of sulfur and activated charcoal with vitamin C and natural exfoliants. It exfoliates your skin naturally to allow the nutrients to penetrate deeply and remove all impurities and unclogged pores. This cleanser leaves your skin nourished and hydrated. Some of the ingredients in TreeActiv face cleanser includes peppermint essential oil, castile soap, and activated charcoal. It also has pumice, honey granules, vitamin c, and clary sage water,


Final thoughts

In conclusion, fighting acne is not very difficult. You need patience and consistency when choosing any acne treatment. Try some home remedies or acne treatment products. Typical household stuffs like honey, sugar, cinnamon, and aloe vera are fit for acne treatments. If you choose to use scrubs, don’t press too hard on your skin, so you don’t cause more damage.

Remember that you are not the only one looking for a solution.  Share this article with your friends and loved ones that need to know how to remove acne.




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