Homemade Body Odor Remedies for Men

The embarrassment that accompanies body odor is an experience no one should ever have to witness. People will start avoiding you and anything that has to do with you. It does affect not only your self-worth but also reduces your self-esteem. For some people, this condition has become a burden that makes it hard for them to step outside their homes. One may then wonder what causes body odor. Before that, let us quickly dive into what body odor means.

Meaning of Body Odor

Body odor is an unpleasant smell emanating from the body due to bacteria growing on the body. Naturally, sweat is odorless. Contrary to what many people think, it is not the smell of the bacteria growing on the body but the lingering bacteria that break down sweat into acids. Other names of body odor are BO, ozochrotia, bromhidrosis,​ and osmidrosis. Body scent has a strong connection with genetic; however, other factors like behavioral and individual lifestyles can influence it.

Causes of Body Stench

Body stench becomes a problem if the individuals concerned do not take necessary measures when they reach puberty. It is noteworthy to state that certain people are susceptible to body odor. These are obese people, people that eat spices and herbs food a lot, and individuals with medical conditions like kidney diseases and Type 2 diabetes. Emission of too much sweat in some places in the body may cause a foul smell. These body parts include the feet, groin, genitals, armpits, and anus. For people who sweat a lot, their salt level may be high, making it easy for bacteria to thrive. In essence, health conditions, gender, and lifestyle can cause odor.


The next question is: What is the way out for people with body smell? Of course, there is. There are many solutions to fighting skin odor, starting from antiperspirant, perfumes, or visiting a doctor. Whichever one works fine, but do you know there are more straightforward, less expensive home remedies you can make for body odor. These remedies are so seamless that you can get the ingredients in your kitchen. Below are proven home remedies that lessen body odor.

Home Remedies for Body Odour

  • Vinegar
  • Lemon
  • Tea
  • Baking Soda
  • Witch Hazel
  • Sage
  • Tea tree oil
  • Lemon
  • Coconut oil


The following home remedies are effective in treating body smell.

body odor remedies

  1. Keep the armpits clean:​ Due to a large concentration of apocrine glands under the armpits, it develops odor rapidly. To prevent this smell, shave and wash your underarms regularly with anti-bacterial soap. When armpits have hair, it reduces the absorption of sweat, allowing the bacteria to work effectively. You can get reusable gentle shave sticks here.​   
  2. Bath with warm water twice a day:​ If you are battling with body odor, your body care routine must be different. Use warm or tepid water for your bath because it kills bacteria on the body. In the case of hot weather, consider taking your bath more often.
  3. Wash the genitals:​ One of the places that emanate odor the most is the genitals because it is usually covered. For those with a hectic lifestyle, it can be a little challenging. Nevertheless, washing the genitals regularly (even when you are outdoor) can help reduce odor. Some people, ladies especially, usually think applying fragrance around the genitals or washing it with soap reduces odor. This view is far from the truth. Generally, private parts react negatively to perfumes and fragrances, leading to a change in the PH level of the vagina. The vulva is self-cleaning, so the​ only thing you need to clean it is water. There are shave creams and safety razors, especially for women.body odor remedies
  4. Review your clothing:​ Keep your clothes clean and change them often, as fresh clothes keep bacteria away. Consider natural fibers wears for they allow the skin to breathe, leading to quick evaporation of sweat. The natural fibers include cotton, flax, and wool. You should also avoid tight-fitting clothes that may make it difficult to breathe.
  5. Avoid spicy food:​ Spices like cinnamon, clover, and ginger can make your sweat smell. The question on most people’s minds is, how do spicy foods make you smell? The answer is that when you eat spicy food, your body breaks them (the food) down, resulting in the production of sulfur-like compounds. These compounds leave an odor on your breath. They can also mix with your sweat to give out the smell. If you can not avoid it totally, try lessening the amount of spicy food you consume.
  6. Vinegar:​ You may wonder how vinegar, with its pungent smell, finds its way to this list. Vinegar is useful in treating body odor because it balances the skin’s PH, killing all odor-producing bacteria. All you need to do is dab a small amount onto a cotton pad until damp. Wipe the cotton pad on the underarms before stepping out of your house. Do not worry about the smell, as it wears off quickly.body odor remedies
  7. Baking Soda:​ By now, you know people mainly use baking soda for cooking. Beyond this function, baking soda works effectively to eliminate any smell from the body. Its fine form allows it to absorb moisture fast and kills odor-causing bacteria like staphylococcus.​ You can also apply baking soda by lining your cover shoes overnight to eliminate the lingering smells. Some people use theirs by mixing about two teaspoons of baking soda in a bottle of water. Then spray it on the underarms every morning. Do not forget to let it dry off before putting on your clothes.
  8. Witch Hazel:​ This is not a real witch like you thought! Witch hazel is a shrub with fragrant yellow flowers. People grow it for ornamental purposes. Witch hazel is useful for treating body odor due to its astringent lotion that allows it to contract the skin pores. The tinnier the skin pores, the harder it becomes for sweat to come out. Like Vinegar, it balances the skin’s Ph, making it unsafe for bacteria to survive. Besides, witch hazel works as a natural deodorant. To get the best of witc​h hazel,​ apply it under the arms twice a day. You do not have to worry about the wetness as it dries off quickly.body odor remedies
  1. Sage:​ A sage plant (not a person) is an aromatic greyish-green herb. People cultivate it for its aromatic leaves. Sage is commonly used to treat digestive problems. It also fights bacteria and reduces sweat. You can purchase organic sage oil or boil sage leaves and apply it to the sweat-prone areas, excluding the genitals. Remember to wash your hands immediately after use to clean off the spice.
  2. Coconut oil:​ Here is another chef’s favorite, going beyond its primary purpose. You may have known coconut oil for its nutritional benefits, but this multi-purpose oil has many health benefits. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil attacks microorganisms that may be causing body odor. It works for all skin infections and has a natural fragrance that submerges odors. You can use coconut oil as a regular cream/lotion or apply it directly on the affected areas except for the genitals. It is greasy, so apply it with caution.body odor remedies
  3. Lemon:​ Lemon has a high percentage of vitamin C that helps maintain healthy skin. It balances the PH of the skin, making it hard for bacteria to grow. To apply, cut a ripe lemon and rub directly on the areas that need attention. You can also squeeze the juice to apply with dap on the skin. Wash clean after ten minutes. Another way to use lemon is to mix it with baking soda to form a paste. Apply to the necessary places and wash in ten minutes.
  4. Tea:​ People drink green tea solely for it helps maintain a healthy life. However, you can use green tea to cure the smell of the body. All you need is water, green leaves, and a kettle. Pour the leaves into the kettle and boil for 15 minutes or 20 minutes. Allow it to cool off, and dip the cotton pad into it to apply directly on the sweat-prone areas. Te​a tree oil also kills bacteria and gives a pleasant smell. Apply to the affected area only after checking that it does not irritate your skin.


When to see the doctor


It would be best if you considered taking a trip to the clinic when you notice when you sweat frequently. It may just be that there is a problem with the thyroid gland or the nervous system that controls sweat.



While it is natural to sweat, it is not normal for sweat to give an awful odor. Factors influencing aroma varies. They include gender, genetic, and individual lifestyles. The steps to getting rid of the smell from the body may seem tedious but are simple and easy to apply. We support natural home remedies because they are practical and have no adverse side effects. The time is not to brood over your condition but to get involved in ways to eliminate the body odor.



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