What is Good Oral Hygiene?: You Must Know This

what is good oral hygiene

Do you recollect the last time you had to excuse yourself in a conversation because you could not control the foul smell coming from the speaker? How did you feel? Well, you are not alone. Many people think this way when they perceive mouth breath. They see the individuals concerned as nonchalant about their hygiene. Many factors influence mouth odor ranging from medical conditions to individual lifestyles. But good hygiene can make a huge difference. so, what is good oral hygiene and how can you maintain it?

Before we move on, read the following are causes of mouth odor:

  • Bad oral hygiene
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarette
  • Cold infections
  • Some medications
  • Tonsil stones
  • Morning breath
  • Consumption of spices like garlic, cinnamon, and ginger

What is Good Oral Hygiene?

Good oral hygiene entails keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy as much as possible – free of diseases. Regular brushing and daily flossing to clean in between your teeth help to make your teeth dirtless. Besides, scraping the back of the tongue – a common bacteria abode will ensure your mouth stays healthy. By the way, do not be deceived that you have good mouth hygiene if your teeth are white. Even though white teeth are attractive, there may be some underlying oral health problems. Similarly, yellowish and brownish teeth do not equate to poor oral hygiene.

Most gum diseases that result in bad breath are preventable through regular and effective oral hygiene. The following are proven steps that you can take to maintain a healthy oral condition.

what is good oral hygiene

Brush Your Teeth:​

Brushing your teeth may look too apparent of a piece of advice, but it is still the best way to keep your mouth healthy. Washing and cleaning in between your teeth are essential because it eliminates plaque – bacteria in the mouth. Sticky foods such as starch and sugar sometimes get stuck in the mouth; thereby, providing an avenue for bacteria to feed on them. When you do not remove plaques on time, they continue to multiply, relishing on residue food in the mouth. Therefore, it is vital to wash your mouth at least twice a day, especially before bedtime. Below are steps to brush your teeth properly:


  • Thrust your toothbrush in at a 45-degrees angle against the gum line and gently​ move the brush back and forth in short strokes.
  • Gently brush the teeth’s inner surface, the outer shell, and chewing surface while moving the brush back and front in strokes.
  • Place the brush’s tip against the front teeth’ inner surface and gently move it up and down.
  • Gently brush your tongue to remove and wash out lingering bacteria for fresh breath.


Fluoride Toothpaste:​

Fluoride is a compound that strengthens the outer layer of the teeth, so it is only standard that a fluorid​e toothpaste will protect the teeth against decay in both adults and children. It also lessens the amount of acid that bacteria produce. Children below three years should use half a pea-size fluoride level. Adults and children above three years can stick to a pea-sized amount and split out after use so that it can stay longer on the teeth. Parents should watch children closely to ensure they do not swallow the fluoride.


Although many people brush their teeth, half of them do not floss. And there is nothing that spooks out tiny bacteria lurking around the mouth like flossing. Producers of floss designed it to go into nooks and crannies of the teeth (where the brush can not reach) and flushes out bacteria. After brushing, use floss or an interdental brush in between your teeth to eliminate plaque, which may result in tooth decay and bad breath. You need to know that it is not just enough to floss; you need to do it properly.

Simple Techniques on Flossing

  • Cut 18 inches off the floss and wrap some around one finger of each hand.
  • Hod the floss tightly between your thumbs and finger with an inch of floss between them, making sure it is not loose.
  • Use a gentle rocking motion to guide the floss between your teeth. Be careful not to jerk it into the gums.
  • When the gum reaches the gumline, curve it into a C-shape against a tooth.
  • Hold the floss against your tooth and gently scrape the side of the tooth against the back of another. Do this procedure on the other side of the tooth and keep going till you touch all places.


Change your toothbrush:​

Like any product, toothbrushes have their expiring dates. After using it for a while, it is natural that it wears out and becomes less effective. When you notice the bristles start to lose their shapes, change the toothbrush as splayed bristles do not clean well. Specifically, doctors recommend you replace your toothbrush for two to three months.​


Avoid Alcohol:​

A cup of beer to celebrate an achievement or beers with friends after work is all fun and excitement, but they are recipes for bad breath. Unlike other liquids, alcohol dries out your mouth, aiding the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Caffeinated beverages also contribute to mouth odor. By clearing saliva off the mouth, alcohol prevents it (spit) from doing its job – cleaning the mouth. When this happens, it paves the way for bacteria to patrol freely in the mouth, leading to bad breath. To avoid this, take adequate water after alcohol.


Dry Mouth:​

As mentioned earlier, dry mouth is a fertile ground for bacteria to thrive. This dryness is because saliva is unable to flush out bacteria that lead to bad breath. When you notice that you consistently have a dry mouth, it may be due to one of the following:

  • Medications like pain killers and antidepressants
  • Smoking
  • Medical conditions like diabetes, smoke, and yeast infection

Consider any of the above causes and book an appointment with your doctor immediately.

what is good oral hygiene

Drink Water:​

Drinking water regularly is still one of the best pieces of advice on oral hygiene. Taking water immediately after every meal helps wash out any food residual or sticky food in the mouth.



Remember the number of times you went to buy oral materials but looked over mouthwash.​ Well, you may be cheating your mouth with this great product. One of the reasons many people do not consider mouth wash as crucial is because they do not know how it works.

The advantages of oral wash are:

  • Mouth wash reduces the acid in the mouth.
  • It prevents tooth decay.
  • It revitalizes the mouth.

Doctors sometimes recommend it for toddlers and older people due to the sensitiveness of their teeth. You can also use it to rinse your mouth before bedtime.


Avoid Dried Fruits and Snacks:​

Naturally, fruits are essential for the body. On the other hand, artificial ones do not provide many benefits as they are full of sugar, a favorite bacteria. Besides, dried fruits are sticky, and they tend to lurk in between the teeth and hard-to-reach places in the mouth. Similarly, regular snacking promotes plaques that leave the mouth surface susceptible to decay. Reduce the number of snacks you consume to allow the moth to recover. Also, gag in some water to flush the mouth after taking a handful of snacks. If you are still bent on taking more snacks, try the healthy ones like cheese, yogurt, natural fruits, and veggies.

Eat Healthy Food:​

Generally, you should eat good food for your health. However, some particular foods promote good oral hygiene. They include:

  • Milk: Milk is a good source of a healthy mouth because it has calcium and​ Besides this, milk products like cheese and yogurt are beneficial for your teeth as they help build the tooth enamel faster.
  • Green and Black Tea: Due to polyphenols in ​ green tea and black tea, they inhibit​  bacteria’s multiplication and eliminate plaques in the mouth.
  • Fluoride Food Items: Fluoride prevents bacteria in the mouth. Therefore, you​ should consider food and drinks that have fluoride in them. Some of these foods are powdered juice, fruit juice, shrimps, wine, and coffee.


Quit Smoking:​

Smoking is one of the top causes of gum diseases and tooth decay, according to researchers. It contains lots of toxins, such as periodontitis (a severe gum infection). These toxins mask themselves as common gum diseases. Consequently, the tartar becomes more aggressive, destroying the teeth quicker for a smoker than a non-smoker. Aside from this, smoking leaves the mouth dry inhibiting saliva from cleaning.


Visit the Doctor Regularly:​

Trips to the dentist may be the last step on this list, but you should make it your number one habit. Consistent visitation to the dental clinic is vital for a regular dental check-up and cleaning. This way, your dentist identifies potential teeth or mouth problems on time and advise on necessary measures and precautions.



Good oral hygiene goes beyond mere washing of the mouth, and it is not a day’s job. It involves conscious and intentional efforts to get rid of tooth decay and bad breath. If you want to maintain a fresh breath and pleasant smile, get to work by going through the outlined steps.



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