How to Remove Dark Circles From Under the Eyes

Do you feel like the circle under your eyes makes you look older, tired, or even unhealthy? What you have under your eyes is likely a dark circle. read to figure out how to remove dark circles from under the eyes

The dark circle is neither dangerous nor life-threatening in any way. But it can make you feel insecure about yourself. This is one of the major reasons why people seek to treat them.

While most dark circles under the eyes are caused by fatigue, there are other contributing factors we also have to consider. This is:

  • Genetics
  • Old age
  • Allergies
  • Sleeplessness
  • Overexposure to the sun
  • Straining of the eyes
  • Dehydration and many more.


In this post, we will focus on how to remove dark circles from under the eyes. To keep your options open, we have come up with xx different ways these treatments cut across home/medical treatment and routine. Without further ado, let’s get to it.

how to remove dark cirles

Get Enough Sleep

Other than fatigue, lack of sleep is also a common cause of dark circles from under the eyes. The National Sleep Foundation Guidelines opined that a healthy adult needs to sleep from 7 to 9 hours per night.


If you have a dark circle under your eyes, observing how long you sleep is one of the major things you need to do. Apart from treating dark circles, enough sleep will also bring about a sound mind, a high level of productivity, and prevent paleness of the skin.


How you sleep is another contributing factor to consider. Sleeping on your stomach or sideways is more likely to bring about the collection of dark circles under your eyes. It is advisable to sleep on your back. While doing that, remember to elevate your head with extra pillows. The sleeping posture will bring about comfortability when you sleep in this posture.

A Cold Compress Goes a Long Way

The next helpful tip on how to remove dark circles from under the eyes is applying a cold compress. The application is most suitable for those with increased vasculature under their eyes.


With the application of a cold compress, the blood vessel around the eyes can circulate. This process will lessen the dark circle under the eyes. Not only that. A cold compress can help eliminate the puffiness and the dark circle from under the eyes.


To apply a cold compress, all you need to do is:

  • Get a couple of ice cubes
  • Wrap these eyes in a clean cloth
  • Apply it to the dark circle under your eyes.
  • Keep at it till the ice cubes melt.


You can also:

  • Soak a clean cloth in cold water.
  • Apply it to the dark circle under the eyes for a little over 25 minutes.
  • Continue the process until you feel the warmth of the cloth.



how to remove dark circles

Protect Your Skin From the Sun

Overexposure to the sun is undoubtedly one of the causes of dark circles from under the eyes.


But how do you protect yourself from the sun?


How do you reduce your exposure when you literally can’t do without going outdoors?


There are some hassle-free ways to reduce your exposure to the sunlight. They include:

  • Sunglasses
  • Hats/Caps
  • Moistures
  • Sunscreens


These will not only protect your skin from the sun. It will also stop the dark circle from under your eyes from getting worse.


Try Out Cucumber

Whether in videos or lifestyle magazines, we’ve all seen cucumber used as a cold compressor. With that said, cucumber is also an ideal solution for the removal of dark circles from under the eyes. The vine plant possesses natural healing qualities such as Vitamin K and soluble fat. These properties increase circulation and blood clotting.


All you need to do to get started is:

  • Cut your cucumber into thick slices.
  • The slices need to be chilled. Put them in the refrigerator for like 25 minutes.
  • Place them on your eyes for 10 minutes for about 13 minutes.
  • Then rinse with warm water after use.


If you are consistent with this routine, the application will get the blood pumping and eradicate all kinds of redness. It is advisable if you can apply cucumber to the affected area at least two times a day.


Cold Tea Bags

Cold tea bags are the next on our list of how to remove the dark circle from under the eyes. The caffeine in teas often comes with antioxidants which are beneficial to the eye and the body. It was stated in some scientific studies that tea contains healing properties that lower the risks of chronic diseases.


With that said, tea bags are no different. It can also be used as a cold compress, hence the “cold” in the cold tea bags. A dilated blood vessel under the eyes can contribute to the dark circle. However, when cold tea bags are placed in the affected part of the eye, the blood vessel is more likely to compress.


Here’s all you need to know about making cold tea bags and the application on the eyes:

  • The first thing you need to steep 2 tea bags for about 5 minutes.
  • Then place the tea bags in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Squeeze the extra liquid
  • Apply them under your eyes. Leave it on your eyes for at least 15 minutes.


how to remove dark circles

Apply Vitamin E Oil

The oil is very effective in fighting off dryness of the skin and aging signs such as wrinkles. Not just that. Vitamin oil is good for the skin, keeps the blood pumping, to mention a few.


To remove the dark circle from the eyes with the Vitamin E, all you need to do is:


  • Apply a drop of vitamin E oil on the dark circle under your eyes before you go to bed.
  • Then massage the spot tenderly.
  • Rinse your face with warm water in the morning.


Reduce Your Consumption of Alcohol

Cutting back your intake might make you feel uneasy. But if you want to remove the dark circles from under your eyes, reducing your consumption of alcohol is a good place to start.


Apart from the weakening of your immune system, the consumption of alcohol aids dehydration. That explains the fatigue, puffiness, and redness of the eyes after a night of excessive alcohol intake. The US Dietary Guidelines, serving up to 1 or 2 alcohol per day for men and 1 alcohol per day for women is considered moderate. Anything beyond that is harmful to you and causes dehydration.


With that said, ensure that you drink lots of water especially when you are going to bed.


how to remove dark circles under the yees

Minimize Your Intake of Salts

Salt is the primary source of sodium chloride. And the human body needs sodium to maintain the fluid level. Apart from that, it prevents low blood pressure and regulates the level of blood in our body. Therefore, the importance of salts in the body must not be undermined.


However, eating too many salts can lead to:

  • The puffiness of the face.
  • Dark circle from under the eyes.
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • And all other underlying effects.


The American Heart Association suggested that the consumption of 1,500 to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day is considered beneficial. It’s safe to say, processed and packaged foods should be avoided by all means. It’s better if you are on a diet and eat veggies and lots of fruits. Also, watch out for the amount of salt in your favorite snacks. That way you will be able to cut back your excessive intake of salts.


Stop Smoking

Smoking drains every bit of vitamin C in your body. Vitamin C is required for the growth and the development of healthy tissues in the skin. Also, smoking more likely contributes to discoloration in the skin, wrinkles, and the dark circle from under the eyes. Don’t get me started on the effects of smoking on the color of the teeth.


Apart from that, smoking can cause other hazardous effects on your health like:

  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • And other effects that will cut life short.


When you decide to quit smoking, you may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms should vanish within 2 weeks. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Intense cravings
  • Headaches
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


How to remove dark circles

Food Rich in Collagen

The older we get the more the muscles and tissues aiding the eyelids weaken. Consequently, the skin sags, and there will be more wrinkles around the eyes. With food rich in collagen your body can absorb more hyaluronic acid. We all have hyaluronic acid in our bodies. The acid tends to depreciate as we get older.


The real question is: How do you know the kinds of food rich in collagen?


Collagen-rich foods contain amino acids and vitamin C. These food aids in the creation of hyaluronic acid. Some of these foods are:

  • Chickens
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Red peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Berries
  • Tropical fruits
  • Garlic and many more.


Although, the dark circle from under the eyes is not detrimental to health. But its appearance on the skin can make people feel insecure about themselves. This factor makes it a big deal. However, in this post, we’ve discussed how to remove the circle from under the eyes. These solutions cut across all kinds of routines that will also help you have a healthy living.


Finally, if you don’t see any changes with the circle please consult a doctor or a dermatologist.








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